Premier Style - Paul&Joe
Browsing the label's website (consisting of Women and Men's Main line, Sister Line and Cosmetics), I recognized that the styling and presentations of their collections is outstanding. Without even owning one Paul&Joe piece I love the way the models are styled. It brings a customer so much inspiration how to style and wear her collection plus it makes it easy to love and long for this label. With regards to myself, I had the luck of owning similar slouch boots as shown in their collection. I once baught them for a nice price at a Depot Vente, wore them one time and gave them again back in order to sell. I had no clue how they would look good and I have no clue if they have been sold btw.The Paul&Joe model just wears them with flirty flower summer dress or brown winter wool dress with merino tights and I only want them back again now. Did you have a clue how white tights would be set perfectly in scene? What a great idea to wear them with a short white dress and a men's collection blazer.

latest 4 pictures show mainly pieces of contemporary "sister" line.