Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Early Fashionista

I refuse the usage of the word "FASHIONISTA". I have no glue what it should express....

..until I came over this stunning photo in the Paris Street Style Section of the fashionspot today. What other noun could describe this little girl better?

I know that there are a lot of people out there (especially in Germany) refusing designer collections made for children. I am not a fan myself. Nevertheless people should not forget their sense of humour and take live too seriously. This post has neither a deeper background nor is it a statement of mind, only a dedication to the end of Paris Fashion Week - and - dressing up in Paris seems to be practised early...

1 comment:

Fabiana Pereira said...

It makes me a bit sad. She doesn't look cheerful at all. Resembles a bit Suri Cruise.